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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Documentation vs Git repository quesions

From: gatib
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Documentation vs Git repository quesions
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 11:23:39 +0200
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.20

Dear Christophe,

I tested my autopilot with the Skywalker airframe file. Unfortunately I've
got the same result. Successful compile (only some warnings) but no valid
GPS or Attitude telemetry message from MTiG (only zeros). The hardware is
intact, because the twog and MtiG work seamless with the master version of
paparazzi from January. Do you have any idea what should I check/test to
get closer to the solution?


> We fly both LPC21 and STM32 with both XSens as Aspirin as chimu.
> sample xsens + twog/yapa -> ->
> conf/airframes/TUDelft/Skywalker.xml
> sample aspirin + twog/yapa -> ->
> conf/airframes/TUDelft/Twinjet.xml
> sample aspirin2 + lisa-m  -> ->
> conf/airframes/TUDelft/Mentor.xml
> The only options known to have issues are some combinations of modules in
> stm32 using i2c and using libstm32.
> On Monday, June 4, 2012, Balazs GATI wrote:
>> "> To use IMU with LPC you must use module not subsystem."
>> What do you think? Can't LPC handle generally IMU as subsystem? Or only
>> aspirin? (I am still in trouble with my xsens configuration...)
>> Balazs
>> 2012.06.04. 3:59 keltezéssel, David Conger írta:
>>> All,
>>> I got my answers. Only supported for STM32 (i.e. Lisa).
>>> To use IMU with LPC you must use module not subsystem.
>>> Regards,
>>> David
>>> On Jun 3, 2012, at 5:56 PM, David Conger wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>>> What happened to aspirin_v1.0 support?
>>>> IMU selected:
>>>> <subsystem  name="imu"        type="aspirin_v1.0"/>
>>>> and
>>>> I get errors.
>>>> "cd sw/airborne; make
>>>> PAPARAZZI_SRC=/Users/bmw330i/**paparazzi-software
>>>> PAPARAZZI_HOME=/Users/bmw330i/**paparazzi-software TARGET=ap all
>>>> /Users/bmw330i/paparazzi-**software/var/TINY211ASP1/ap/.**depend
>>>> arm-none-eabi-gcc: error: arch/lpc21/peripherals/**hmc5843_arch.c: No
>>>> such file or directory"
>>>> and
>>>> "./peripherals/hmc5843.h:46:**38: fatal error:
>>>> peripherals/hmc5843_arch.h: No such file or directory"
>>>> Can someone please fix Asprin 1.0 support?
>>>> -David Conger
>>>> *
>>>> *
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>> --
>> Balazs GATI, PhD
>>     Department of Aircraft and Ships
>>     Budapest University of Technology and Economics
>> Address:   Budapest
>>          Stoczek u 6. J. ép. 423
>>          1111
>> Tel:       +(36)-1-463-1960
>> Fax:       +(36)-1-463-3080
>> Homepage:
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> --
> -Christophe
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