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Re: [Fsfe-uk] BBC slander

From: Chris Croughton
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] BBC slander
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 15:27:17 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 02:28:54PM +0000, P.L.Hayes wrote:

> On Friday 06 February 2004 13:58, Chris Croughton wrote:
> > Ah, perhaps that's it, I don't see pictures.  I see text only (lynx
> > doesn't do graphics).  What, you want me to use a /non-free/ browser?
> > (Mozilla I use when I have to, for certain card and banking sites, but
> > it seems to be click-only.)
> I wasn't aware there was such a dearth of free browsers! No need to wear a 
> hair-shirt for sins you haven't committed Chris! The MPL is a free software 
> license incompatible with the GPL but that doesn't mean you can't run 
> Mozilla.

Oh, I can run Mozilla (on the only machine which is running X11).  I
don't like to do so, because it seems to have very few keyboard
shortcuts and almost everything is "click-only" (i.e. dead rodent).

> Hell - it's bad enough with all those IE only banking sites and if 
> you manage to convince a bank to make their site lynx friendly I'll be most 
> impressed. ;)

MBNA is lynx-friendly (you have to tell lynx to not display [IMG] tags),
I have a credit card through them.  And actually, since I'm not a purist
I do use Opera occasionally which deals with Capital One as long as you
tell it to pretend that it's Mozilla (Opera /is/ keyboard-friendly, but
there are some pagess it doesn't like).

Somewhere there is a list of banks which work (or not) with various free
browsers, there are actually quite a few...

Chris C

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