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Re: [emacs-humanities] E-ink tablets (was: How do you keep engaged with

From: M . ‘quintus’ Gülker
Subject: Re: [emacs-humanities] E-ink tablets (was: How do you keep engaged with your writings?)
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 09:23:33 +0100

Am 03. Februar 2021 um 04:29 Uhr +0300 schrieb Göktuğ Kayaalp:
> Here are some faux gardens of Eden on Earth tho:
> https://www.e-ink-info.com/e-ink-devices/e-ink-laptops

The Lenovo devices are quite highly priced and do not really look as
if they are meant as a "paper replacement". It probably is more of a
"oh, and you can read the 100+ pages financial report on e-paper without
switching devices".

The other devices are appearently meant to specifically target writers
who seek distraction-less writing. However, when I see these little
screens resembling laptops from the 90ies, I earnestly need to ask:
why not just use a real typewriter instead? The page is larger and
well functioning typewriters can still be easily and cheaply found.
For postprocessing, use OCR; character recognition has improved a lot
in the past years, even with open-source software like tesseract.

None of these devices is actually a tablet.


Dipl.-Jur. M. Gülker | https://mg.guelker.eu |    For security:
Passau, Germany      | kontakt@guelker.eu    | () Avoid HTML e-mail
European Union       | PGP: see homepage     | /\ http://asciiribbon.org

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