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Re: [Denemo-devel] Need some direction/clarification

From: Onyeibo Oku
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Need some direction/clarification
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 18:01:56 +0100

On Wed, 2013-02-13 at 10:44 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
> I would very much like to know how MuseScore compares - I couldn't get
> it to do very much when I tried, but they have promotional videos.

Interface wise, its more user-friendly especially for those with
background knowledge in Finale.  However, when it comes to doing the
work I prefer Denemo.  MuseScore corrupted my music beyond repair and
their IRC channel has human-stubs (people who don't respond).  In
MuseScore you can edit 4-layers of voices on one staff, note heads are
given different colours to distinguish their voice layer.  The colours
do not show in the final print.  I don't mind having a staff per voice
as with Denemo as long as I get a neat printout eventually.  Its less
confusing working in Denemo because the application does not switch
voices (MuseScore keeps guessing you want to work on a layer that is
wrong ... so you waste a bit of time switching voices)

> Yes, it uses its own font that includes music notes so that sentences
> with music notes in them can be written.
Would be nice if it made use of the system installed fonts for texts and
its own fonts for notes.

> Thank you for the feedback - you are the first person to have remarked
> on this (it is something I am proud of). If you build from the latest
> git you will get another improvement to the cursor, at least I hope you
> will find it an improvement.
 So how does git do updates?  I would love to be up-to-date.  I usually
type "svn up" for subversion to update a repo from that CMS but I have
no idea how to do that for GIT.  Should I be inside the source folder
while doing the update?

> Richard


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