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Re: AW: [avr-libc-dev] SIMULAVR / Test suite for binutils and gcc

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: AW: [avr-libc-dev] SIMULAVR / Test suite for binutils and gcc
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:22:05 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

Björn Haase wrote:


I'd like to learn, whether there are some news concerning a test-suite for
avr-binutils using simulavr.

I have been addressing the testsuite issue for gcc. (I'd like to have this
running before I start experimenting with back-end modifications.) So far, I
have suceeded in running at least a fraction of the testsuite in an
automized way. Basically, the most important thing seems to be, to write a
suitable "expect" script for describing the target-board. The remaining
issue now is, that simulavr does not exactly seem to behave like standard
gnu simulators do. It turned out to be necessary to make some changes in the
testsuite scripts. Status is, that with my present changes some part of the
testsuite scripts is broken.

Therefore my question:
Does anyone has information on how gnu simulators are supposed to behave,
and/or are there activities under way to change something within the
simulavr interface (? simulavrxxxxx ?)?

I was just asking a similar question on the gcc list, see this thread here:

You'll probably have to ask the simulavr people for more information, or ask them to make the changes needed.

Alternatively, there is Avrora:
Which has just been released and says it can be used as a GDB backend.

I'm very intereted in how you got the testsuite working, even if partially. Do you have something written (a how-to) about it?

Getting the GCC testuite running on the AVR is very badly needed work, and your efforts are very appreciated!


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