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Re: Beta 1.4.0b0 available [Re: Release Plan]

From: Frank Crawford
Subject: Re: Beta 1.4.0b0 available [Re: Release Plan]
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 22:58:35 +1100
User-agent: Evolution 3.32.4 (3.32.4-1.fc30)


On Sat, 2019-11-23 at 11:08 +0100, address@hidden wrote:
> Hi,
> On 17/11/2019 22:29, EricZolf wrote:
> > Writing these lines, I realise that I should try to generate a beta
> > release (even if only manually) so that people can more easily
> > test, without the trouble of compiling the code.
> So, I've created a release in GitHub (yeah!), it's far from perfect
> and I'm looking forward to see the automated release pipeline from
> Otto, Patrik and/or Arrigo, so that we get this as automated as
> possible.

Congratulations on reaching this milestone, and thank you for all your
hard work.

>  From my part, I'll revamp the documentation, it's currently mixing
> development, installation and usage, and doesn't properly highlight
> the requirements.
> In the meantime, anybody can download the Linux binaries from 
> https://github.com/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup/releases/tag/v1.4.0.beta
> - install and test. Windows will follow shortly (tonight, I hope).

I'll also see if I can push a version to Fedora rawhide over the
weekend, so you can pull down the current RPM for it.

> Remember: it's a beta version, be careful!
> - if you're confused or not sure, ask on this mailing list- if you
> find a bug, create an issue on GitHub with rdiff-backup version, OS
> and its version, command and log with -v9 verbosity.

I think I need to push a couple of small changes to the RPM spec file
templates to build with SCM, that can wait until I've tested with the
Fedora build system.

> Let's get the ball rolling,Eric


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