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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Change in altitude handling?

From: Ben Laurie
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Change in altitude handling?
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:42:24 +0000

On 28 March 2014 10:33, Gautier Hattenberger
<address@hidden> wrote:
> The telemetry mode can be changed during flight in the settings tab, but the
> define has to be added to the airframe file indeed (in the firmware section
> for instance).
> The observation I made from your log are matching the observation I made
> during my own flight, so we definitely need to correctly reject outliers in
> the sonar measurements.

I was looking at old logs, and they don't have sonar in them - I guess
this has been added relatively recently? Given how unreliable the data
is, not sure how useful it is.

Also, how sure are we that if I apply the thresholds it'll behave itself?

> Le 28/03/2014 11:07, Ben Laurie a écrit :
>> On 27 March 2014 20:58, Gautier Hattenberger
>> <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> baro_qfe is the reference pressure, so it only moves when the ins is
>>> reseted.
>>> You should have the baro pressure in BARO_RAW message if you change
>>> telemetry mode to raw_sensors. You can also add <define
>>> name="DEBUG_VFF_EXTENDED"/> to enable VFF_EXTENDED message. 'measure1' is
>>> the sonar and 'measure2' is the baro.
>> You mean change it before flying, I presume? So this observation is
>> from your own ardrone2. not from my log?
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