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[Openexr-devel] Hello OpenEXR list - and some questions

From: Mr 'Zap' Andersson
Subject: [Openexr-devel] Hello OpenEXR list - and some questions
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 12:03:04 +0001

Hello everybody!

First allow me to applaud ILM for taking this initiative. I am quite 
certain HDR imaging is the next leap for compositing and CGI integration. 
I just hope more cameras of all levels of advancement (even down to 
consumer stuff) will soon appear with data modes where we can get the real 
actual CCD data rather than something processed and clamped to a "black" 
to "white" range.

I have since the dawn of time noticed the problems with low dynamic 
imaging. Back in the day I wrote my own rendering package (see i even innovated some techniques for non-
linear light math to get around "the problem", i.e. in RayTracker 1 + 1 
wasn't 2 when talking light.

Alas, I ramble :-)

I am tinkering with the thought of making a bitmap I/O plugin for 3DS MAX 
(dont laught, it's what I have) for OpenEXR format. This would go nicely 
in hand with a package I am creating around my lightprobe lighting "chrome 
map" plugin ( and an ambient occlusion 

My QUESTIONS are these

1. Before I start... Is someone already working on a 3DSMax bitmap IO 
plugin, making my effort redundant? 

1b. ...and may I use the libraries posted earlier on this list to link 

2. Does OpenEXR suggest any wrapper format for multiple images, i.e. sort 
of using OpenEXR as the "codec" in a .mov, .avi, or the like format? Or is 
OpenExr mostly intended for single files used as image sequences

3. If image sequences is the suggested way to go, what is the "industry 
accepted" numbering scheme? Tag frame numbers to the end of filenames? 
blah000.exr, blah001.exr, etc.? Or timecodes? Or either? Or....? I would 
like my I/O plugin to be able to treat an image sequence as if it was an 
animation and if there are industry 'guidelines' for the naming scheme I'd 
like to be able to support those.

Alas, I ramble again. Thanks for the effort lads!


Programming, CAD technology, image/audio manipulation, music/video 
production, 3D animation, compositing, etc. are among my skills.
Hakan "Zap" Andersson |   Music and Software Wizard    | Get this joke?
address@hidden    |    | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B
address@hidden    | | A: 42
 Download MASTER ZAP Music and buy the DAM CD at
 "'twas brillig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
 All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe" - L. Carroll

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