On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 06:31:26PM -0500, Mike Miller wrote:
They might not need portability, but they might like money. I think "free
as in speech" gives us a great community and a great product. I think
"free as in beer" is also very important when I read about people who run
dozens or hundreds of instances of the program at once. It sounds like
Octave can save a department a million dollars in the course of a decade.
In many cases, I'll bet, you just wouldn't do the work at all if you had
to use MATLAB because the cost of running MATLAB on 100 processors is
I repeat: I couldn't agree more--as do many, many other Matlab *and*
Octave users. Still, I encounter some decision-makers for whom such
costs seem to be a matter of indifference. I'm working to get through
to them.