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Progress on Web GUI - New Problem

From: Tom Weichmann
Subject: Progress on Web GUI - New Problem
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 23:55:21 -0400

After my first post I was beginning to think that a web GUI was out of the
question due to security concerns.  Thanks to John Verzani for pointing the way
to sbox.  Sbox is a wrapper for cgi programs which not only run the cgi and all
of its children in a chroot jail, it implements hard disk, and memory limits as
well.  I have succeccfully set up my chroot environment for octave, with one
problem, the help function does not work properly.  here is an example.

This is NORMAL octave output:
octave:1> help help
help is a built-in text function
 - Command: help
     Octave's `help' command can be used to print brief usage-style
     messages, or to display information directly from an on-line
     version of the printed manual, using the GNU Info browser.  If
     invoked without any arguments, `help' prints a list of all the
     available operators, functions, and built-in variables.  If the
     first argument is `-i', the `help' command searches the index of
     the on-line version of this manual for the given topics.
     For example, the command `help help' prints a short message
     describing the `help' command, and `help -i help' starts the GNU
     Info browser at this node in the on-line version of the manual.
     Once the GNU Info browser is running, help for using it is
     available using the command `C-h'.
Additional help for built-in functions, operators, and variables
is available in the on-line version of the manual.  Use the command
`help -i <topic>' to search the manual index.
Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at and via the
address@hidden mailing list.                                                    

Here is octave output in my CHROOT environment
octave:1> help help
help is a built-in text function
Additional help for built-in functions, operators, and variables
is available in the on-line version of the manual.  Use the command
`help -i <topic>' to search the manual index.
Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at and via the
address@hidden mailing list.  


It seems as if octave can not parse the m-file for its help text.  I do not get
any errors though.  Any ideas??

T.C. Weichmann
Student Researcher
SUNY College at Buffalo

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