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Re: Octave Web GUI

From: Tom Weichmann
Subject: Re: Octave Web GUI
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 16:32:38 -0400

I also have no problem invoking octave directly from a bash prompt, or from a
perl script run under my own account.  It is only when run from a httpd
process -> user 'NOBODY' I get the error.


T.C. Weichmann
Student Researcher
State University of New York College at Buffalo

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, etienne grossmann wrote:
> Hello,
>   for me, this works :
> address@hidden: cat > dummy.m
> a=[1:1:10]
> b = sin (a)
> gset term postscript
> gset out  ""
> plot (a, b)
> address@hidden: perl -e 'system("octave -H dummy.m > dummy_output")'
>   The files dummy_output and both are ok.
>   Etienne
> ======================================================================
> From: Tom Weichmann <>
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Octave Web GUI
> Hello,
> I am developing a cgi web based GUI to Octave using PERL.  Things are going
> great so far, and I plan on making the source public...of course.  It works
> like this.  There is a dialog box, where you input your m-file, then click on
> the button to submit.  The cgi PERL script opens and writes the m-file
> to octave.  I then re-direct stdout to a file, and save any gnuplot output to
> a file as well.  Then the PERL generates a the html for a web page which
> includes the text and graphical output from octave, and sends this to the
> browser.  I have accomplishes all of this, but no matter what I am doing in
> my m-file, I get an error at the very end of the text output.  The following
> is an example of a *very* simple m-file, and its output to the web.
> input----------------
> a=[1:1:10]
> b=[10:-1:1]
> output--------------
> a =
>    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
> b =
>   10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
> error: Permission denied
> I am invoking octave with the -H option, So the error is not caused by trying
> to write the history file.  Does anyone have any idea what octave could be
> trying to do just before it closes that the web process would not have
> permission to do?
> Thanks,

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