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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re: Linux Expo Birmingham

From: home
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re: Linux Expo Birmingham
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 14:42:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 02:15:03PM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
> I was mailed by SOPHIE FRIEDMAN <address@hidden> on
> Friday, as were a bunch of other speakers.  The mail hit my SMTP
> server from, which is mail.sky-events.com, so chances
> are that it's not forged.

I think we take it as off then :( !! One wonders, though, why they think
they will be able to postpone it - I'm not sure how much the current climate
is going to change between now and next February/March (which would be the
final deadline for a April/May conference).

> this year, and chose the London one (which was also pretty quiet,
> presumably in part because of the people that had made the reverse
> decision).

I thought the London show was poor, and was hoping that the Birmingham show
was going to be the goodie. Even RedHat didn't turn up (unless I missed
them??). The number of pure GNU/Linux companies was pretty small (there seemed
to be a lot of Windows outfits there, or Windows companies with a side-trade
in Linux), and many of the main displays had at least some Windows showing,
if not completely Windows based. I pretty much got my Debian updates and
went back to work... :(

Perhaps it would be possible for people to meet up after / before a GLLUG or
somesuch? I think the main problem is the geographic disparity tho'. 



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