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Re: [Freebangfont-devel] (links and Google rank)

From: Deepayan Sarkar
Subject: Re: [Freebangfont-devel] (links and Google rank)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 12:45:48 -0600
User-agent: KMail/1.4.7

A suggestion (for Sayamindu): since the font project is more likely to be 
linked from other sites like these, it might be a good idea (from our 
perspective) to have a link from there to, which might 
eventually help increase its PageRank.

On Monday 18 November 2002 09:33 am, Anirban Mitra wrote:
> We got another link from Alan Wood's Unicode Fonts
> page. The more you are linked the higher is your rank
> in Google search.
> Anirban

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