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Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 19:27:54 +0000

Sebastián Monía <sebastian@sebasmonia.com> writes:

> lack of movement in this thread which is probably a
> gauge for interest in the change.

(I have no opinion about this change as I didn't follow the discussion,
but from the title alone it sounds good to me.)

I wouldn't necessarily interpret a lack of replies or a long turnaround
time as disinterest.

We don't have many people on board who are actively working on reviewing
and installing patches, so it might take us quite some time before we
can get to your patch.  Please keep in mind that all of us are
volunteers, and do this in our free time too.

Sometimes people forget about things, so feel free to send a ping if we
haven't replied within some reasonable amount of time, usually a couple
of weeks.

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