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Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks

From: Adam Porter
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 06:59:58 -0600

I don't think it's necessary to retire it. Your patch is an improvement, no? If it's a step in the right direction, then why not proceed? Further improvements can be made later.  AFAIK we're not talking about grand features that would be a crime to make changes to later.  Most development in Emacs doesn't happen with full consensus anyway, right? Usually someone has an itch to scratch, and unless someone really objects or a procedure is seriously violated, it gets scratched.  I've made some suggestions, but they're only suggestions; they aren't conditions for merging. 

Am I missing something here?  :)

On Tue, Jan 7, 2025, 06:23 Sebastián Monía <sebastian@sebasmonia.com> wrote:
Hello everyone!

I am ok to retire the patch, with no consensus on how to progress.


On Wed, Jan 1, 2025, at 11:25 PM, Sebastián Monía wrote:
> Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net> writes:
> >  Also FWIW, I think the long-term goal ought to be to replace EWW's
> >  bespoke bookmarks with Emacs bookmarks (i.e. any Emacs bookmark to an
> >  HTTP(S) URL ought to be usable by EWW, and it ought to create such
> >  bookmarks; EWW should be just another way of opening them).
> You can create Emacs bookmarks or EWW bookmarks. I use one or the other
> for different cases. But that's more a peculiarity of how I work, than
> proof that we need both, being honest.
> We could deprecate EWW-only bookmarks, I guess. If we plan to do that,
> merging this patch makes no sense.
> And then also drop the feature to re-arrange bookmarks, or make it work
> in the context of standard bookmarks. Ditto for M-n and M-p to navigate
> next/prev bookmark in EWW.
> --
> Sebastián Monía
> https://site.sebasmonia.com/

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