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Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks

From: Sebastián Monía
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2025 23:25:46 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net> writes:
>  Also FWIW, I think the long-term goal ought to be to replace EWW's
>  bespoke bookmarks with Emacs bookmarks (i.e. any Emacs bookmark to an
>  HTTP(S) URL ought to be usable by EWW, and it ought to create such
>  bookmarks; EWW should be just another way of opening them).

You can create Emacs bookmarks or EWW bookmarks. I use one or the other
for different cases. But that's more a peculiarity of how I work, than
proof that we need both, being honest.

We could deprecate EWW-only bookmarks, I guess. If we plan to do that,
merging this patch makes no sense.
And then also drop the feature to re-arrange bookmarks, or make it work
in the context of standard bookmarks. Ditto for M-n and M-p to navigate
next/prev bookmark in EWW.

Sebastián Monía

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