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Re: [avrdude-dev] attiny10 with ftdi and bitbang

From: Darell Tan
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] attiny10 with ftdi and bitbang
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 22:10:52 +0800

Hi Hannes,

I am aware that avrftdi doesn't really do bit-banging, which is why
it's faster than a normal bit-bang programmer. Fortunately ATtiny's
are tiny, so they are quite fast to read/write.

I took a quick look at the avrftdi code and realised it re-implemented
a lot of the pgm functions. In theory, it should have been enough to
implement just the cmd() function to "buffer" the op itself, to tell
the serial engine to generate the CLK and MOSI signals. And of course
the setpin() function to turn off/on LEDs or the RESET line.

If I had the time, I would implement TPI over avrftdi too, but it
seems like I need to copy/paste (or re-implement) the TPI logic into
avrftdi, which is not an elegant solution. If the code in avr.c could
be re-used, then it would have been really simple to get TPI working
for avrftdi.

Darell Tan

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Hannes Weisbach <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello,
>> any more. This is what the "avrftdi" programmer uses, though TPI isn't
> To clarify: avrftdi does not use bit banging, but a built-in serial engine 
> which generates SPI-Signals in hardware.
> TPI is not implemented yet. I just looked at the AVR918 application note and 
> TPI could be implemented for avrftdi. However, I have at this point neither 
> time nor the hardware.
>> implemented there, and I think FT232R's are not supported. I may be
> That is correct, but FT232H are supported - but not in TPI-mode.
>> wrong about this though.
> Best Regards,
> Hannes Weisbach

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