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Work on Generic Module

From: Steve Holmes
Subject: Work on Generic Module
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:35:20 -0700

I thought I would share my thought on some changes I plan to make to the
generic module for speech dispatcher.  I should also explain that I'm
fairly new to community based development projects so I might be asking
some stupid questions from time to time.:)

Tomas and I began discussions on the speakup list about getting
punctuation support to be improved with the generic module.
Specifically, getting the punctuation levels to be properly reflected
from speechd-el through speech dispatcher to espeak.  The only way to
control punctuation levels with espeak is with the --punct parameter and
one can include specific characters to limit what punctuation marks
actually get spoken.  Based on our discussion, it was suggested to
include some new options to the generic module: punct_some, punct_all
and punct_none as input parameters in the generic.conf file and have
those derive a single punct parameter that can be passed to espeak.
Thus the espeak command line can vary with the result of the three input
parms.  The original punctuation_level that gets passed to speech
dispatcher can determine which of the three conf parms to use.  Doing it
this seeming more complex way could make it more generic and not locked
into espeak or whatever synth comes along in the future.  I think I
would like to create a single punct_level variable also that can be
passed right on through to some synths as well.  Coding this may not be
too hard but documenting this will probably be a bare but hopefully this
will enable espeak users to enjoy speakup, emacspeak and speechd-el with
equal power.

I thought I'd throw this out there for any ventured opinions and I also
ask about the update or changelog.  Is there any protocol for doing
that? do I update the change log with every cvs commit? How often should
I commit? Should I do it only when I'm completely done or what?  Sorry,
I have almost no experience with CVS but can learn quickly enough.  I
just don't wanna step on someone elses changes.  So far, my activities
are limitted to generic.c and possibly the header files that are
included; I think there's a modules.h or something.  I might need to add
some stuff in there - not sure yet.

Thanks for any helpful advice or comments.

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