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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Issue with Body_to_Imu and DCM

From: Chris Wozny
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Issue with Body_to_Imu and DCM
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 21:00:21 -0700


Will this hack will allow me to set the orientation of Lisa/Aspirin if
it's not being mounted in the way that Joby Robotics intended? Per my
other thread, I used BODY_TO_IMU, but it seems as if you don't want us
to change the orientation of the IMU that way, only minute changes.

- Chris

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Christophe De Wagter
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> After struggling with this problem for too long, one day we needed to fly so
> I hacked the code
> []:
> the name of the define (not in master branch) that was hacked in place. I
> would have preferred to introduce an IMU2AHRS conversion that can do only
> 90-degree stuff, keeping the AHRS2BODY for fine tuning (like: 5 degrees up).
> Still not sure how to solve, but the define above is probably not preferred
> as for instance you can not put the lisa upside-down without the need for a
> new define.
> Also see:
> -Christophe
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi Jochen,
>> if you want to try out the version on the dev branch, you can use
>> int_cmpl_quat with mag for heading.
>> I'm not aware of any problems there, but I haven't tested the centrifugal
>> force correction for flying coordinated turns in real flight yet (weather
>> too ugly). It works perfectly in simulation. It also works very well on
>> quads, but obviously with the coordinated turn corrections.
>> If you want to use the GPS for heading, that needs a bit of thought of
>> when/how to initialize the heading, since at initialization on startup you
>> don't have any gps heading information (you are not moving yet).
>> If you want to stay on master and/or want to use float_dcm you should
>> either turn the imu, switch the channels (so you don't have to turn the imu)
>> or fix float_dcm to deal with this correctly.
>> Cheers, Felix
>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Jochen Rieger <address@hidden>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for answer.
>>> I have a fixed wing, it is recommended to use DCM. Should i use
>>> int_cmpl_quat on fixed wing or better turn the IMU?
>>> Regards.
>>> -Jochen
>>> 2012/2/15 Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
>>>> Hi Jochen,
>>>> what AHRS algo are you referring to?
>>>> has the current status
>>>> So if you are on the dev branch, you are fine using int_cmpl_quat, it
>>>> will deal with all BODY_TO_IMU rotations correctly.
>>>> float_dcm does not handle this correctly, patches are welcome!
>>>> But due to limited time, I'm not going to fix that one. I would
>>>> recommend to use int_cmpl_quat anyway.
>>>> Cheers, Felix
>>>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Jochen Rieger <address@hidden>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello, in my airframe, i need to turn the board on the z axis.
>>>>> I set the angle in the airframe file to:
>>>>>      <define name="BODY_TO_IMU_PHI"   value="RadOfDeg( 0. )"/>
>>>>>     <define name="BODY_TO_IMU_THETA" value="RadOfDeg( 0. )"/>
>>>>>     <define name="BODY_TO_IMU_PSI"   value="RadOfDeg( 90. )"/>
>>>>> It is possible that i will have problems?
>>>>> Because in the wiki there are problems with Body_to_imu and the AHRS.
>>>>> Also the USE_MAGNETOMETER is not tested, current status?
>>>>> Thanks for informations.
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> -Jochen
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