Hi Jochen,
if you want to try out the version on the dev branch, you can use int_cmpl_quat with mag for heading.
I'm not aware of any problems there, but I haven't tested the centrifugal force correction for flying coordinated turns in real flight yet (weather too ugly). It works perfectly in simulation. It also works very well on quads, but obviously with the coordinated turn corrections.
If you want to use the GPS for heading, that needs a bit of thought of when/how to initialize the heading, since at initialization on startup you don't have any gps heading information (you are not moving yet).
If you want to stay on master and/or want to use float_dcm you should either turn the imu, switch the channels (so you don't have to turn the imu) or fix float_dcm to deal with this correctly.
Cheers, Felix
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Jochen Rieger
<address@hidden> wrote:
Thanks for answer.
I have a fixed wing, it is recommended to use DCM. Should i use int_cmpl_quat on fixed wing or better turn the IMU?
2012/2/15 Felix Ruess
Hi Jochen,
what AHRS algo are you referring to?
So if you are on the dev branch, you are fine using int_cmpl_quat, it will deal with all BODY_TO_IMU rotations correctly.
float_dcm does not handle this correctly, patches are welcome!
But due to limited time, I'm not going to fix that one. I would recommend to use int_cmpl_quat anyway.
Cheers, Felix
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Jochen Rieger
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hello, in my airframe, i need to turn the board on the z axis.
I set the angle in the airframe file to:
<define name="BODY_TO_IMU_PHI" value="RadOfDeg( 0. )"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_IMU_THETA" value="RadOfDeg( 0. )"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_IMU_PSI" value="RadOfDeg( 90. )"/>
It is possible that i will have problems?
Because in the wiki there are problems with Body_to_imu and the AHRS.
Also the USE_MAGNETOMETER is not tested, current status?
Thanks for informations.
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