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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Unit Test/Start-up Procedure for Paparazzi?

From: Chris Gough
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Unit Test/Start-up Procedure for Paparazzi?
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:11:26 +1100

That sounds like a "now crash" switch, I don't normally want one of
those on my transmitter :)

In one project we use a (python) pre-flight test-suite on the
ground-segment. It's purpose is to streamline and make reliable the
"bring-up procedure" for a plane that still takes ~1 hour to set up.
It might be a usefull post-maintenance check too, that hasn't come up

Chris Gough

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Chris Wozny <address@hidden> wrote:
> All,
> I noticed there being a section entitled test programs in some
> airframes firmware section. What exactly is this capable of? If I were
> to flick a switch on the transmitter I'd like to have it run through a
> pre-flight procedure such as deflect the servos as if it were
> receiving commands like PITCH(35 deg), hold for 2 seconds, ROLL(-15
> deg), hold for 2 seconds, and finally YAW(-20 deg), hold for 2
> seconds, then YAW(20 deg). I think this could be useful as a way to
> make sure any changes you've made in the airframe didn't significantly
> change anything it wasn't supposed to.
> Best,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Wozny
> University of Arizona MAV
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> Paparazzi-devel mailing list
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