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Re: [Mldonkey-users] [2.02-9] Expiring sources to fast?

From: Goswin Brederlow
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] [2.02-9] Expiring sources to fast?
Date: 04 Feb 2003 15:40:47 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Military Intelligence)

Roland Arendes <address@hidden> writes:

> hi MLdonkey,
> M> For the bad download
> M> rates, the source management system is the only part which might be
> M> responsible for the problem, and we plan to test a new system soon,
> M> and maybe give an option to choose at runtime which system you want to
> M> use :)
> I would be greatly surprised if you use something like this?

Better take that one step further:

First sort clients by file and queue them seperatly.

Then ask the frontmost clients for the blocks they actually want and
give them a penalty according how common the block is. People
requesting rare blocks would skip ahead a few places. Important is
that the client is asked for all blocks it wants. If a client is then
actually chosen for download a block of my choise (from hist list)
could be offered to the client. If he already got the block somewhere
else in the meantime the client should not loose its queue place but
might loose its upload slot because someone else needs rarer blocks.

Clients requesting only common blocks should be made to wait longer
but not forever. Say give them a malus of 10 minutes on their time of
queueing (everyone coming up to 10 minutes after the client but
needing rare chunks skips ahead). The malus could be calculated in
terms or rareness, time needed to upload a block (bandwith) or in
queue positions (a malus of 5 means that up to 5 clients can overtake


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