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[Mldonkey-users] Re: [2.02-9] Expiring sources to fast?

From: Sven Hartge
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Re: [2.02-9] Expiring sources to fast?
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 19:08:05 +0100
User-agent: tin/1.5.16-20030113 ("Spiders") (UNIX) (Linux/2.4.20-112 (i586))

Michael Panteleit <address@hidden> wrote:
> Sven Hartge <address@hidden> writes:

>> Strange thing is, 2.02-9 _was_ fast, but it seems it had enough
>> sources in the list, which was build up by one of the former
>> versions.

> Could you post the output of "sources"?

| Queue[Good Clients]: 41 sources
| Queue[Ready Sources]: 0 sources
| Queue[Waiting Sources 0]: 8 sources
| Queue[Waiting Sources 1]: 0 sources
| Queue[Waiting Sources 2]: 0 sources
|   Outside of queues: 10 sources
| Positive/Negative: 56/3
| NotFound/Found/Chunk/Upload: 0/0/55/1
| Ranks:  9[37] 0[0] 0[1] 0[3] 0[1] 3[3] 1[3] 1[1] 0[2] 1[0]
| Removed Sources (on 232): useless 3/old 0/too old 0
|   Connected last 278 seconds[previous 10 minutes]: 23[57]
|      Good clients: 19[44]
|      Good sources: 0[4]
|      New sources: 3/32[7/40]
|      Old sources: 1[2]
| By files:
|   Mahoromatic S2 - 11 [aj].avi                                  9[22]
|   Mini-Goddess.TV.1-4.[HQ].[HYB].ogm                            6[15]
|   Abenobashi 02.avi                                             1[3]
|   DNA - 08.AVI                                                 2[2]
|   Mahou Tsukai Tai OAV - Ep01v2(A-G).avi                        4[11]
|  Old files:  0
| Total number of sources:59

As you can see, I am _far_ away from that figure.

The number of sources dropped from 66 to 59 in the last two minutes,
while I am connected to three servers with together over 160000 users.

This cannot be, there _have_ to be some more sources.


BOFH excuse #431:

Borg implants are failing

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