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Re: Woctave-another gui front end

From: Maynard Wright
Subject: Re: Woctave-another gui front end
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 20:55:43 -0800
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/2.6.35-22-generic; KDE/4.5.5; i686; ; )

On Thursday, December 20, 2012 02:24:34 pm John W. Eaton wrote:

> On 19-Dec-2012, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:

> | But as to your first point, why do you carp quite so much on people who

> | point out the lack of some feature, but don't have the time or abilities

> | to contribute? Maybe those other people are engaged in other worthwhile

> | projects that are taking up their time, and maybe they even deal with

> | complaints about their projects, but don't immediately jump down the

> | other people's throats with "well, what have you done to help?"

> | Especially when those people are not actually whining, but just asking

> | or answering questions.


> I can't speak directly for Jordi, but I think I've had similar

> reactions in the past to people that seemed to be demanding something

> for nothing, or who seemed to expect that I do some work for them, all

> while they were telling me how the work I had already done was somehow

> inferior.


> Most of the feedback we get is negative (bug reports, complaints about

> the things that don't work correctly, comments from people calling us

> kindergartners, and so on). In my experience, years of negative

> feedback can wear you down and make you see even reasonable comments

> and questions as attacks. Maybe Jordi needs to take a break from the

> list. I know I did, and that's why I rarely post here now.


> jwe

> _______________________________________________

Like most folks, I suppose that I don't say very much until there is something to be concerned about. In the interest of correcting that, I will say that Octave has been very valuable to me and I much appreciate the efforts of those who have made it available.

Maynard Wright

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