>> My political activities (I'm a neighborhood Team Leader) and my meeting with my Coursera Study Group are over. I am devoting the remainder of time I have (until the homework is due) to getting Octave to run.
>> *** I hope this was not a bad move, but I upgraded my OS to Mac OSX to Version 10.8.1. ***
>> Will your recommendation below, i.e.,
>> using either Fink or MacPorts to manage Applications still work with this Version?
>> Miriam
> Miriam, when you reply please type your response at the bottom of the page. This mail list uses the bottom posting standard.
> The posting style you're using is called top-posting:
> For historical reasons and because we've been using email and usenet since the 1970's, this mailing list generally dislikes top-posting.
> Regarding Octave, I suggest you try Fink (for the reasons I mentioned above).
> Notice, there is a version for MacOS 10.8
> Bne
We've even got Octave-3.6.3 (I just added it a moment ago as I write