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Re: "errors" when running plot

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: "errors" when running plot
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:55:49 -0400

On Jun 10, 2009, at 5:13 PM, ws wrote:

Try using

putenv ("GNUTERM", "windows")

octave:4> putenv("GNUTERM", "windows")
octave:5> plot(1:10)
octave:6> print foo.png
Unknown or ambiguous terminal name 'windows'

But don't set this to a bitmap (such as png), as that will only work when an
output file is provided (i.e. when printing).

I don't ever want to open a window. I am also running Linux. I tried it, just
for giggles, and it gave the above error.

I do not know why you get the x11 error. Do you get it when you run gnuplot
direclty and enter the commands below?

set term png
set output test.png
plot sin(x)

My gnuplot session (I don't think the problem is there, no X11 warning....):

Terminal type set to 'unknown'
gnuplot> set term png
Terminal type set to 'png'
Options are 'nocrop medium '
gnuplot> set output test.png
        undefined variable: test

gnuplot> set output "test.png"  # need quotes
gnuplot> plot sin(x)
gnuplot> exit


Ok, I don't know why I thought you were running windows.

In any event, please run gnuplot and let me know what you get when you type ..

        show var all


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