On 28-Apr-2009, Judd Storrs wrote:
| On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Frank Luis Enrique
| > Have you ever tried to sell an ungly car with a perfectly
working engine?
This still doesn't answer the question of where the funding will come
from if Octave did have a pretty GUI. Why do you think people will
suddenly feel motivated to throw money at us if we add a GUI to
Octave? It seems more likely to me that they would just complain that
it doesn't use their favorite GUI toolkit. And anyway, none of the
people who have provided significant funding for Octave in the past
have ranked a GUI as a top priority.
| Have you ever tried giving an ugly car with a perfectly working
engine away
| for free?
Let me guess. People still bitch and moan about the quality of the
paint job?