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Re: Build Help on Mac Intel

From: Shane Lee
Subject: Re: Build Help on Mac Intel
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 21:17:39 -0400


Thanks for all of the replies and suggestions. Sounds like someone has
it running on Mac Intel, which is great (gives me hope). (A
Precompiled binary would be ... appreciated! but where's the 'fun' in

So it's definitely not a sudoers problem (I would characterize myself
as being in the funny gray area between knowing nothing and truly
knowing what I'm doing). Sort of like that awkward phase for growing
out your hair - all hippies know what I'm talking about.

I am going to give it a go following the suggestions of Joe concerning
the sparse matrix libs and then try and decipher the advice of John's,
since he seems to have had a successful build, though I'm not entirely
sure I understood everything (there's that gray area again).

Well ... interemail update. The make process on the Sparse Matrix libs
definitely resulted in several errors and didn't finish. So much for
that for now. Instead of doing that I'm just going to focus on getting
some functional version of octave up and running.

On 10/4/06, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
On  4-Oct-2006, John B. Thoo wrote:

| On Oct 4, 2006, at 12:53 PM, Shane Lee wrote:
| > A quick update concerning my building woes.
| >
| > On the PowerBook G4, I was able to "successfully" run
| >
| > ./configure --disable-readline
| >
| > though it's not ideal, but running
| >
| > make
| >
| > yielded a long process that ended prematurely. The last bit of data
| > before it stopped was:
| >
| > /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/
| > vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib(single
| > module) definition of _xerbla_
| > ld: Undefined symbols:
| > restFP
| > saveFP
| > /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
| > make[2]: *** [liboctave.dylib] Error 1
| > make[1]: *** [liboctave] Error 2
| > make: *** [all] Error 2
| >
| > Any interpretation/suggestions would be mightily appreciated.
| Would typing "sudo make" help?  (Also, would typing "sudo ./configre"
| work without having to disable readline?)  I'm groping in the dark in
| the hope of hitting a light switch.

There shouldn't be anything in the configure script or even the entire
installation process of Octave that requires root, unless you want to
install files in a directory that only root can write too, and then
you only need to run make install as root, or change the permissions
on the destination directory so that you don't need to be root.


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