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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Where are we now?

From: Vanessa Conchodon
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Where are we now?
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 14:27:51 +0100

Hi Mj!

> After the last meeting, I posted a link to part of the NVCO site which had
> documents describing the different types of association and asked you to
> read through them, or at least the summary one.

 Sorry, I had lots of things to do the last week, I have'nt really
 at it (that's bad, I know...).
 Did somebody read these texts?

> I feel strongly that we need to get this moving before calendar year-end, so
> unless someone is going to delight me with a report of formal legal advice,
> I suggest that we form one of the unincorporated societies for the time
> being, just so we can do stuff properly, as we will need to start talking to
> people about the spring expo like now if we want to be there. 
> I don't believe that any of the unincorporated societies preclude
> incorporating it later if we choose to.

 Phil, you spoke about a barrister you know. Did you meet him?

 Why not planning a date on which we will vote the statutes
 of affs?

 Another thing we have to do is to decide what exactly AFFS will
 do in next months.
 I am currently translating into English the moral report of APRIL
 so you will see what APRIL did this year. Just to give you ideas.
 I will need soon people to read and correct this document.
 Any volunteer?
 Linux Expo Birmingham UK is on May 29th -30th, 2002 (Linux expo
 in London is on July). I thought it was sooner.
 Perhaps we can share a stand with an other association?
 Is there a web or a mailling list for UK associations about 
 these expos? This would preclude lots of work and free time
 to be at these events.

 Linux expo Paris is from January 30 to February 1st 2002.
 I suggest you to come & see it. April and FSFE will have
 a stand as other French associations.
 It won't be as big as last year but will give you an idea
 of what can happen in such an event.
 Last week, I can't remember who, but someone said he will make 
 an article about the position of the uk gouverment about 
 software patents (official position of gouverment, what said 
 the patent office and so on). Who was he and what is done now?
 Need some help?
 Well, I can't remember all of what was said yesterday on #affs.
 Don't hesitate to add something if I forgot it.
 PS: As I know my English really needs to be improved, 
     please don't hesitate to correct me ;o)
 Vanessa  Conchodon                            ^ee^ 
                                               (_/ `-^-. 
 e-mail :  nessie'at'little-monster"."org        .`___  \
                                                 (_) (_) \_^_.

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