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Re: Time to merge scratch/correct-warning-pos into master, perhaps?

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: Re: Time to merge scratch/correct-warning-pos into master, perhaps?
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 15:09:17 +0000

Hello, Lars.

On Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 15:30:43 +0100, Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de> writes:

> > I now propose to merge the branch into master.  Do you (or anybody else)
> > still have any issues with this?

> I'd like to see the results from elisp-benchmarks with and without this
> patch set, please.


Each of the following two sets of results was obtained from my machine
starting emacs --no-desktop, and represents the second run of
elisp-benchmarks on each build.  The state of master was merged into the
branch this morning, and both builds were redone this morning, too.

Branch scratch/correct-warning-pos:

  | test               | non-gc avg (s) | gc avg (s) | gcs avg | tot avg (s) | 
tot avg err (s) |
  | inclist            |           1.33 |       0.00 |       0 |        1.33 |  
          0.00 |
  | fibn-rec           |           0.00 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.00 |  
          0.00 |
  | listlen-tc         |           0.13 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.13 |  
          0.00 |
  | pack-unpack        |           0.14 |       0.12 |       4 |        0.26 |  
          0.00 |
  | pidigits           |           5.18 |       5.82 |     170 |       11.00 |  
          0.01 |
  | map-closure        |          10.98 |       0.00 |       0 |       10.98 |  
          0.01 |
  | nbody              |           1.98 |       0.24 |       1 |        2.22 |  
          0.01 |
  | dhrystone          |           2.92 |       0.00 |       0 |        2.92 |  
          0.02 |
  | pack-unpack-old    |           0.21 |       0.28 |       9 |        0.49 |  
          0.00 |
  | bubble             |           1.51 |       0.13 |       1 |        1.64 |  
          0.00 |
  | inclist-type-hints |           1.14 |       0.00 |       0 |        1.14 |  
          0.01 |
  | bubble-no-cons     |           2.42 |       0.03 |       1 |        2.46 |  
          0.02 |
  | fibn               |           0.00 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.00 |  
          0.00 |
  | fibn-tc            |           0.01 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.01 |  
          0.00 |
  | pcase              |           1.97 |       0.00 |       0 |        1.97 |  
          0.00 |
  | flet               |           4.27 |       0.00 |       0 |        4.27 |  
          0.00 |
  | total              |          34.19 |       6.62 |     186 |       40.81 |  
          0.03 |

And master:

  | test               | non-gc avg (s) | gc avg (s) | gcs avg | tot avg (s) | 
tot avg err (s) |
  | inclist            |           1.35 |       0.00 |       0 |        1.35 |  
          0.01 |
  | fibn-rec           |           0.00 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.00 |  
          0.00 |
  | listlen-tc         |           0.13 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.13 |  
          0.00 |
  | pack-unpack        |           0.14 |       0.14 |       5 |        0.28 |  
          0.00 |
  | pidigits           |           5.38 |       5.83 |     184 |       11.21 |  
          0.00 |
  | map-closure        |           9.69 |       0.00 |       0 |        9.69 |  
          0.00 |
  | nbody              |           1.86 |       0.24 |       1 |        2.09 |  
          0.01 |
  | dhrystone          |           2.91 |       0.00 |       0 |        2.91 |  
          0.01 |
  | pack-unpack-old    |           0.20 |       0.28 |      10 |        0.49 |  
          0.00 |
  | bubble             |           1.58 |       0.12 |       1 |        1.70 |  
          0.04 |
  | inclist-type-hints |           1.14 |       0.00 |       0 |        1.14 |  
          0.02 |
  | bubble-no-cons     |           2.34 |       0.03 |       1 |        2.37 |  
          0.00 |
  | fibn               |           0.00 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.00 |  
          0.00 |
  | fibn-tc            |           0.01 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.01 |  
          0.00 |
  | pcase              |           2.08 |       0.00 |       0 |        2.08 |  
          0.00 |
  | flet               |           4.37 |       0.00 |       0 |        4.37 |  
          0.01 |
  | total              |          33.17 |       6.64 |     202 |       39.81 |  
          0.05 |

> -- 
> (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
>    bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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