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Re: Issues with quail.el

From: Michael Welsh Duggan
Subject: Re: Issues with quail.el
Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 00:13:09 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.1 (gnu/linux)

Amit Ramon <address@hidden> writes:

> Michael Welsh Duggan <address@hidden> [2018-05-08 23:19 -0400]:
>>I'm not a quail expert, but I looked through a lot of the code recently
>>to try to figure out how to do something else, so maybe I can figure out
>>how to help here.
> Thanks, any help is appreciated.
>>> First issue
>>> Assume that the keyboard layout is set to "atari-german" and that the
>>> input method is "Hebrew". When I type C-h I (thus invoking
>>> "describe-input-method"), the drawing of the keyboard layout is
>>> incorrect. The keys that appear in the shifted level, which should be,
>>> in this input method, similar to those in the standard layout, are
>>> actually taken from the current keyboard layout.
>>Okay, let's verify some things.  When I type
>>`M-x quail-show-keyboard-layout RET atari-german RET', I get the
>>Keyboard layout (keyboard type: atari-german)
>>     +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>     | 1! | 2" | 3§ | 4$ | 5% | 6& | 7/ | 8( | 9) | 0= | ß? | '` | #^ |
>>     +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>       | qQ | wW | eE | rR | tT | zZ | uU | iI | oO | pP | üÜ | +* |
>>       +------------------------------------------------------------+
>>        | aA | sS | dD | fF | gG | hH | jJ | kK | lL | öÖ | äÄ | ~| |
>>     +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>>     | <> | yY | xX | cC | vV | bB | nN | mM | ,; | .: | -_ |
>>     +------------------------------------------------------+
>>                  +-----------------------------+
>>                  |          space bar          |
>>                  +-----------------------------+
>>Is this what you get as well?
> Yes.
>>Does this match your actual keyboard?
> No, but my actual keyboard isn't atari-german -- I gave it just as an
> example. My physical keyboard is standard English QWERTY keyboard. On
> my Linux system I setup a Dvorak layout. I made tests mostly with my
> Dvorak setup[1] (there are footnotes at the end), but because Dvorak
> keyboard layout is not one of Emacs' defined layouts I used
> atari-german for the example.
>>> For example, the Hebrew letter TET is on the (standard) y key, and
>>> pressing this key together with shift when Hebrew input method is
>>> active should produce Y. This works fine when typing, but in the map
>>> drawn by "describe-input-method" the letter that appears on this key
>>> in the shifted state is Z, which is what this key does in
>>> "atari-german" layout. There are some other keys not in the right
>>> place - all those that in "atari-german" have a meaning that is
>>> different than the one in the standard layout.
>>Also to verify, the 'y' key is the one to diagonally down and to the
>>right of the 'a' key?  Like in the layout above?
> Yes.
>> When I try to recreate what you are showing, I get the following.
>> Does this match?
>>     +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>     | 1! | 2" | 3§ | 4$ | 5% | 6& | 7/ | 8( | 9) | 0( | ß? | '` | ;^ |
>>     +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>       | qQ | 'W | ק‎E | ר‎R | א‎T | ט‎Z | ו‎U | ן‎I | ם‎O | פ‎P | ]} | [{ |
>>       +------------------------------------------------------------+
>>        | ש‎A | ד‎S | ג‎D | כ‎F | ע‎G | י‎H | ח‎J | ל‎K | ך‎L | ף‎Ö | ,Ä | ~| 
>> |
>>     +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>>     | >< | ז‎Y | ס‎X | ב‎C | ה‎V | נ‎B | מ‎N | צ‎M | ת‎> | ץ‎< | ._ |
>>     +------------------------------------------------------+
>>                    +-----------------------------+
>>                    |          space bar          |
>>                    +-----------------------------+
> Yes.
>>Finally, if it does match, what should it look like instead?
> This is what it should look like:
>     +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>     | 1! | 2@ | 3# | 4$ | 5% | 6^ | 7& | 8* | 9) | 0( | -_ | =+ | `~ |
>     +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>       | /Q | 'W | ק‎E | ר‎R | א‎T | ט‎Y | ו‎U | ן‎I | ם‎O | פ‎P | ]} | [{ |
>       +------------------------------------------------------------+
>        | ש‎A | ד‎S | ג‎D | כ‎F | ע‎G | י‎H | ח‎J | ל‎K | ך‎L | ף‎: | ," | \| |
>        +-----------------------------------------------------------+
>          | ז‎Z | ס‎X | ב‎C | ה‎V | נ‎B | מ‎N | צ‎M | ת‎> | ץ‎< | .? |
>          +-------------------------------------------------+
>                   +-----------------------------+
>                   |          space bar          |
>                   +-----------------------------+
> Most of the differences are in the first shift level.
> Note, for example, the location of the "Y" and "Z", and the two keys
> right of the "L". This layout is the standard for a Hebrew keyboard
> layout (the Israeli standard, at least), and this is what a Hebrew
> writer would expect when Hebrew input method is set. (you can get it
> simply if you don't change your keyboard layout -- assuming it is the
> standard one -- and then set input method to Hebrew, and do C-h I.)
> The point is that *there are no problems with actual typing* -- you
> press Shift with the key that has the "Z" in your drawing (to remove
> any possible confusion, this is the key that is right below 6 and 7
> and on the center between them), and you'll get "Y".

Strangely, though, that is not what I experience.  Here are the
unshifted keys for me, atari-german, hebrew input mode:


and the shifted ones:


There are a few that don't match, but the Y and Z are not two of them.
This is not the case for you?

Michael Welsh Duggan

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