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Re: Issues with quail.el

From: Michael Welsh Duggan
Subject: Re: Issues with quail.el
Date: Tue, 08 May 2018 23:19:03 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.1 (gnu/linux)

Amit Ramon <address@hidden> writes:

> I believe I found some bugs in quail.el that occurs when the keyboard
> layout is set to a layout that is different from the standard
> "quail-keyboard-layout-standard". I'd like to try and fix them myself,
> and I have some questions.

I'm not a quail expert, but I looked through a lot of the code recently
to try to figure out how to do something else, so maybe I can figure out
how to help here.

> First issue
> Assume that the keyboard layout is set to "atari-german" and that the
> input method is "Hebrew". When I type C-h I (thus invoking
> "describe-input-method"), the drawing of the keyboard layout is
> incorrect. The keys that appear in the shifted level, which should be,
> in this input method, similar to those in the standard layout, are
> actually taken from the current keyboard layout.

Okay, let's verify some things.  When I type 
`M-x quail-show-keyboard-layout RET atari-german RET', I get the

Keyboard layout (keyboard type: atari-german)

     | 1! | 2" | 3§ | 4$ | 5% | 6& | 7/ | 8( | 9) | 0= | ß? | '` | #^ |
       | qQ | wW | eE | rR | tT | zZ | uU | iI | oO | pP | üÜ | +* |
        | aA | sS | dD | fF | gG | hH | jJ | kK | lL | öÖ | äÄ | ~| |
     | <> | yY | xX | cC | vV | bB | nN | mM | ,; | .: | -_ |
                    |          space bar          |

Is this what you get as well?  Does this match your actual keyboard?

> For example, the Hebrew letter TET is on the (standard) y key, and
> pressing this key together with shift when Hebrew input method is
> active should produce Y. This works fine when typing, but in the map
> drawn by "describe-input-method" the letter that appears on this key
> in the shifted state is Z, which is what this key does in
> "atari-german" layout. There are some other keys not in the right
> place - all those that in "atari-german" have a meaning that is
> different than the one in the standard layout.

Also to verify, the 'y' key is the one to diagonally down and to the
right of the 'a' key?  Like in the layout above?  When I try to recreate
what you are showing, I get the following.  Does this match?

     | 1! | 2" | 3§ | 4$ | 5% | 6& | 7/ | 8( | 9) | 0( | ß? | '` | ;^ |
       | qQ | 'W | ק‎E | ר‎R | א‎T | ט‎Z | ו‎U | ן‎I | ם‎O | פ‎P | ]} | [{ |
        | ש‎A | ד‎S | ג‎D | כ‎F | ע‎G | י‎H | ח‎J | ל‎K | ך‎L | ף‎Ö | ,Ä | ~| |
     | >< | ז‎Y | ס‎X | ב‎C | ה‎V | נ‎B | מ‎N | צ‎M | ת‎> | ץ‎< | ._ |
                    |          space bar          |

Finally, if it does match, what should it look like instead?

> Second issue


Snipped until I have a clearer idea what the problem is.

Michael Welsh Duggan

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