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[ruby-tut] Errata / Comments

From: Davis, James (NIH/CIT)
Subject: [ruby-tut] Errata / Comments
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 09:36:58 -0500

The Basics / New names for old things

    - Class: Ruby separates everything into classes.
    + Class: Ruby separates everything into classes (or categories).
    - Method: These are the things that you can do with an object.
    + Method: These are the things that you can do with an object.
      You can think of methods as the "behavior" an object is capable
      of performing.

    - You've already seen thee classes 
    + You've already seen three classes
    - You've already seen thee classes for things that you already know:
    + You've already seen three classes for things that you already know
      (note that Ruby class names are capitalized):
    Suggestion (in second table, to match first table):
    - Class
    + Ruby class

    - Classes vs objects
    + Classes vs. objects
    Nit / suggestion:
    - Strings have several methods that integers and floats don't have
      (e.g. capitalize, length, upcase, etc). 
    + Strings have several methods that integers and floats don't have
      (e.g., capitalize, length, and upcase).

The Basics / New names for old things / Converting between classes

    - Ruby has some methods for converting between classess:
    + Ruby has some methods for converting between classes:
    Suggestion: capitalize class names in conversion table.

The Basics / New names for old things / Exercises

    Comment: After reading, "Ruby can tell you what class an object is.",
    I was expecting you to introduce Object#class, or Object#instance_of?.
    But after thinking about it, I realized it would confuse beginners,
    given the material presented thus far.  Still, it left me wanting more.
    At some point in the tutorial, I think you should discuss subclasses.

    - Ruby can tell you what class an object is.
    + Ruby can tell you about the class of an object.
    - How would you explain the difference between 12, '12' and 12.0 to a
      younger sibbling?
    + How would you explain the difference between 12, '12' and 12.0 to a
      younger sibling?

More later,

- Jim -

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