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Re: [certi-dev] IEEE1516 includes

From: Jean-Philippe Lebel
Subject: Re: [certi-dev] IEEE1516 includes
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:04:17 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080914)

You can find the 13 DLC documentation here: http://www.sisostds.org/index.php?tg=fileman&idx=get&id=5&gr=Y&path=SISO+Products%2FSISO+Standards&file=SISO-STD-004-2004-Final.pdf

Here comes the bad part: it seems that nobody respect the HLA13 DLC standard

"The implementation of the RTI API shall be provided in a library named librti13 followed by the extension appropriate for each platform, e.g. librti13.dll or librti13.so. The librti13 library shall contain
all classes and method implementations except rti13::FedTimeFactory."

Also, the namespace should be rti13 which none of the manufacturer respect.

Personally, I would prefer to be able to switch from Pitch, Mak, Portico to Certi without having to recompile but that would mean not respecting the real HLA 1.3 DLC Standard.

Portico comes with both, the NG6-like header(LibRTI-NG.dll) and the dlc13 headers.

It's all up to you guys,



Eric Noulard wrote:
>> Regarding the DLL's name, what's your opinion?
> I did not find document about DLC for HLA 1.3,
> do you have one?
> Concerning 1516 I read that it should be named
> librti1516.dll
> librti1516.so
> thus I thought the library should be called
> librti.dll
> librti.so
> currently we have libRTI.[dll|so]

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