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Re: [Traverso-user] Traverso forum

From: v4hn
Subject: Re: [Traverso-user] Traverso forum
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 17:16:33 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 04:04:15PM +0200, Thomas Orgis wrote:
> Am Thu, 20 Sep 2012 15:34:23 +0200 schrieb v4hn <address@hidden>: 
> > every now and then someone sends a mail to one of these lists.
> Eh ... is that you, v4hn, the one and only? We are on the same dormant
> mailing list and I didn't notice for over a year!

I don't know any other. It's two years for me next week. :)
Good to see you're still alive! How is mpg123 doing?

> My last contact with remon was on IRC on freenode. I really forgot
> about this mailing list. There was remon and this other guy on the
> channel. Yes, it is a small group, and sadly, not a very active one.

Wow, I pay my respects to this small group!

> Though: v4hn, don't you have some open-source-coding capacity free to
> step in? You help might just be welcomed;-)

Muhahahahaha... If I _ever_ should have time to do so, I will try right
after participating in about 10-20 other open source projects...
But I have my hands full with Lunar-Linux and my real life at the moment.

Are there any new mile stones or feature requests listed somewhere?
Everything listed on is marked as
implemented (or deferred).

> > because the software is _wonderful_ and I would like to see
> > the development continue.
> Yes, it really is just missing that bit of functionality to make it the
> killer. I remember messing with getting LV2 support working last time I
> tried raverso. I really would love to explore the usability of that
> interface, but as long as there is no routing with effect buses, it is
> of no use to me:-(

I don't really use routing or effects at all,
so I don't know exactly what you need though.

> $DEITY knows that I'm on overload for too many years already. Sorry.

/me nods
Nobody blames you ;)


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