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Re: [Openexr-devel] how to get images in EXR format?

From: Arnie Cachelin
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] how to get images in EXR format?
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:56:19 -0800

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 07:20 AM, Drew Hess wrote:

There's at least one digital camera that can create really nice high
dynamic-range images, the Panoscan MK1, but it's pretty expensive.

If you can find a (now discontinued) kodak DC290, it has 2 critical features that have allowed me to make mediocre multi-exposure HDRs: First, they save lossless Tiff format images ( I suspect that jpeg and even DV compression will give different results for different exposures). Second, the camera uses the Digita OS, which is scriptable. By writing a simple script to do appropriate exposures in sequence, I can make this camera not only capture the exposures, but also export a text file suitable for driving the mkhdr utility. The proces works, but I was dogged by standard difficulties of the multi-exposure approach, like finding an absolutely static scene for the 3 or 4 minutes it taes to shoot all the exposures.

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