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[Lynx-dev] lynx word bleeding?

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: [Lynx-dev] lynx word bleeding?
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 01:02:47 -0500 (EST)

Hi folks,
This one is hard to describe, will make more sense if you are using lynx with speech of some kind. previously as in for all the years I have used lynx, if I move to another page, the contents of that page is all I hear. for example if in the basic html for gmail, choosing to read a message, or send one.
all I will hear is what is supposed to be read.
Now though I am getting bleed over from the previous page, in some spots, as if the content is still there.
its honestly weird, because it has never happened before, ever.
A little concerning as well, since I can only assume the text is gone, but am unsure why the browser is still reading it.
might this be a character set or display issue?

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