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Re[2]: [lmi] Wrong wxFlexGridSizer usage in about_dialog.cpp

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re[2]: [lmi] Wrong wxFlexGridSizer usage in about_dialog.cpp
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 19:39:38 +0100

On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 18:16:26 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> For the "license" dialog, the maximize and close buttons make sense;
GC> the minimize button does not. If msw insists on displaying a grayed
GC> minimize button, then so be it--we shouldn't go to heroic lengths to
GC> remove it--but I do think it's better to offer the maximize button,
GC> as in $Id: about_dialog.cpp 4740 2010-01-18 17:48:23Z chicares $.

 I agree, thanks for changing this.

GC> I experimentally enabled the minimize button and found that clicking
GC> it minimized the application and gave focus to another application.
GC> That seemed weird

 It is, and I see why it happens: wx disables the parent window while the
modal dialog is shown so MSW window manager doesn't give focus to it (it
will, sensibly enough, never give focus to a disabled window) and so
selects some other application. It wouldn't be trivial to fix as disabling
itself is a hack which was needed to work around some other bug which I
don't even remember about any more. But even if minimizing a modal dialog
doesn't work correctly, IMHO it's not a big deal because allowing this is a
bad idea from UI point of view too: what is the user supposed to work with
if a modal dialog is iconized? So the best solution would be to use a non
modal dialog (or a frame) if you really need to allow iconizing it.


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