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[lmi] Calculation summary: tidying up loose ends

From: Wendy Boutin
Subject: [lmi] Calculation summary: tidying up loose ends
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2006 20:52:49 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041217

This is a list of loose ends that I think need tidying for our release;
I've also included a few comments from my testing:

* 'Print calculation summary'

The new 'Print calculation summary' command works very
nicely for individuals (*.ill), individuals in a census,
and composites. Also, I really like how the disclaimer
appears on all pages of the printed output; thanks for
adding that.

* Scalar data formatting tags

I'm still not sure I completely understands where this stands.
Are right- and left-justified tags available for the scalar
data in the headers? If yes, how can I use them? If no, is
this something you can handle this week?

* Pasted data doesn't correspond to original data

In summary, 'Copy calculation summary' pastes the scalar data
from 'Copy spreadsheet data' instead of the data that gets
displayed on the screen. Try this:
  'Alt' 'F' 'N' 'I' 'OK'
and observe the last scalar data on the screen reads
  'CT state of jurisdiction'
Now, try
  'Ctrl-C' to 'Copy calculation summary',
then paste it in your favorite spreadsheet program. The scalar
data that gets pasted isn't the same as what we just observed in
the calculation summary: there's no 'CT state of jurisdiction',
for example. Instead, we're seeing the scalar data from 'Copy
spreadsheet data'. To prove it, try
  'Ctrl-Shift-C' to 'Copy spreadsheet data'
then paste it in your spreadsheet program. If you compare the
two pasted outputs, you should notice the scalar data are identical.

Essentially, 'Copy calculation summary' should have the set of
scalar data that contains 'CT state of jurisdiction', and 'Copy
spreadsheet data' should have the set of scalar data that contains
'ProducerName'. It is still key to keep the disclaimer you've
added, regardless of what data gets pasted to the spreadsheet.

It's also worth mentioning that
  'Alt F N C', then
doesn't really have scalar data (just a string of text) and that
should be consistent with what gets put on the clipboard (plus
the disclaimer) for that output too.

While we're discussing the 'Ctrl-Shift-R' output, I'd like to
spike out a defect, I think. Try this:
  'Alt F N C', then
  'Ctrl-Shift-R', then
  'Ctrl-C', then
  open spreadsheet program and paste the clipboard
I observe 'AttainedAge' data in Column 'B', which shouldn't be
in the pasted values because it isn't a column in the on-screen
calculation summary. 'AttainedAge' is certainly data that's on
an individual calculation summary, but not a composite. We only
want the exact data that's displayed on-screen, regardless of
whether it's scalar or variable. However, I like that you didn't
add the extra five-year blank line to the pasted output; that's
how it should be. Users tend to write calculations in spreadsheets
to check their work, so pasting the blank line every five years
could cause problems for their calculations that depend on values
in the preceding duration.

* Configuring 'install' for new *.xml, *.xsd, and *.xsl

Greg and I use this command to run 'lmi':
  c:/opt/lmi/bin[3]$./lmi_wx_shared.exe --ash_nazg --data_path=../data
but we're both putting these files:
in different directories to make lmi use the updated files:
  mine  c:/opt/lmi/bin
  Greg  c:/opt/lmi/data

If I try running lmi with the files in Greg's location then I
observe this message:

Lmi_wx Warning
Error formatting ledger values as html: 'Unable to parse xsl stylesheet
file 'html.xsl': Parser failed.
[file c:/opt/lmi/src/lmi/xml_lmi.cpp, line 380]
[file c:/opt/lmi/src/lmi/ledger_text_formats.cpp, line 220]


Could you please help me understand where these really
belong, so I can be sure our 'install' target is correct?

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