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Re: Notesheet Flute varibles defined and ready for call...

From: darkijah
Subject: Re: Notesheet Flute varibles defined and ready for call...
Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 10:45:35 +0200
User-agent: Gigahost Webmail

- edit apparently did not send it the right place, I have my difficulty with this email stuff.

On 2021-05-17 10:04, wrote:
Thanks that was another way, I did find someone while looking for
solution - it was like HALLELUJAH moment when I found it and the
angels singing high :P

I see you do somewhat of the same here, but with a varible, I have not
used varible that much yet, I'm only a couple of days old to Lilypond
but growing each day.
Very interesting, thanks Peter for the coins, much appreciated.

Here is how I did it myself when I finally found something that worked:
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "2." \override LyricText . color =
#(x11-color 'grey40) Be -- vis din magt, åh Je -- su Krist, som al --
le Her- rers Her -- re er, be -- var din Bør -- ne -- fød -- te flok,
så de dig pri -- se må i fred! }

One more thing nailed... Stille have to understand the whole
construction of the boxes and layout of the coding sheet. But in a
couple of days with Lilypond I have make some pretty neat Sheets
already. Or at least one primary on that I have focused on. And the
more things I get fixed the more I can narrow my balls in the air and
make it less confusing likewise.

Anyway have a great day, thanks so much for the help Peter and the
rest of you out there, I'm having a good amount of fun with Lilypond
and learning a lot.
- Darkijah

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