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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2658 in lilypond: wrong stem rendering (incons

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2658 in lilypond: wrong stem rendering (inconsistent thickness)
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 22:04:00 +0000

Comment #41 on issue 2658 by address@hidden: wrong stem rendering (inconsistent thickness)

In your screen shots, they look about the same as the "overriden with lines" version. What may make them appear thinner, however, is the beams sticking out. That is not not a matter of thickness, however, but rather of placement. One stem is placed on the assumption that the thickness is zero, the other is placed on the assumption that the thickness is greater than it actually is, so the stroke adjustment shifts the center when it takes one pixel off.

If there really were a difference in addition to that effect, it would likely be that the clipping calculation is not "PostScript correct", clipping off side material from the stroke rather than just from the square ends. One could stroke the rectangular part in the middle without clipping (either by making the clip area larger or by stroking that particular part again), but ugh. I think that this sort of misclip is likely the reason for lines disappearing altogether with xpdf with old poppler libraries.

One can mess a lot around in PostScript with regard to preadjusting thicknesses to the output device. However, this does not transfer to PDF, so we have to make do with the available mechanisms.

I would guess that either Finale does not place elements independently like we do, or that they define their "graphical" elements as characters with better possibilities for "hinting". Another difference is that their elements are thicker to start with, so one pixel more or less does not make much of a difference.

If you say "sometimes slightly thinner": everything looks at least 1 pixel wide. Stems are supposed to be 1.3 times the Staff line thickness if I read the code right, and after stroke adjustment, the thickness is not more than half a pixel off but is at least one pixel. A line that should be 1.3 pixels thick can end up as 1 pixel, yes. Which can look the same as a line that should be 0.4 pixels thick, even. Personally, I find the resulting aesthetics much better than if you get some or all double-sized stems.

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