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Re: [igraph] Error importing igraph in OSX 10.10.5

From: Pablo Moriano
Subject: Re: [igraph] Error importing igraph in OSX 10.10.5
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 09:06:45 -0400

Hi Tamas,

Thank you for your response. The output of the command echo `echo 
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' is empty. Also the output of the `which gcc’ is 
/usr/local/bin/gcc. So what can be wrong? 

> On Oct 15, 2015, at 7:17 AM, Tamas Nepusz <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
>> I remember that just before I tried to install igraph, I typed `export 
>> CC=/usr/bin/gcc’ and `export CXX=/usr/bin/g++’ to declare the Apple 
>> compilers as my default option. Is that related with this issue?
> I don't know, but probably not - on my machine, the Python interface
> builds just fine both with and without these variables. However, one
> possible difference between your environment and mine could be that I
> don't have Anaconda's lib/ folder on my library path (this is
> deliberate; I don't use Anaconda Python so I don't want it to mess
> around with my environment). Can you post the output of the following
> command?
> Also, if the output of the above variable is not empty, can you try
> installing igraph again after running "unset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" (and
> also unsetting CC and CXX)?
>> Is there any way to check if I have installed the C compilers (from gnu) and 
>> where?
> "which gcc" should tell you where the gcc command is coming from. If
> it is coming from /usr/bin, then it is probably the official one
> supplied by Apple.
> T.
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