On 11/12/12 13:46:42, address@hidden wrote:Dear Ben,
On 11/12/12 07:06:23, Ben Abbott wrote:
Please run this script ...
I tried to set plotboxaspectratio at various places but the output file‐
namesuggests that when printing plotboxaspectratio is reset. Any idea why
thatcould be?
I found the problem. If I comment outaxis ([0,1,0,1,0,1], "equal");it works as expected. Is this behavior intended?
Yes, that is intended. It isn't possible to specify the axis limits, the plotboxaspectratio, and the dataaspectratio, at the same time. I don't think Octave's docs discuss this point. There is a discussion at the link below (about 1/3 down the page).
Ben |