On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Michael Goffioul
<address@hidden> wrote:
Positive criticism is always welcome. But this is not the case here. And you can also see that it's actually completely ignored by the main octave developers.
I agree that Serge might be better received if he sugar coated his complaints with positive criticism. But on the other hand, Serge is a long time user of octave and he is clearly venting a specific frustration here. IMHO at the core Serge is experiencing frustration with debugging after broadcasting. It's reasonable to assume that others might be having similar struggles (as I mentioned earlier, I love broadcasting but I have had similar experiences and I can relate--but I feel the core of the frustration isn't "broadcasting" rather it's that the warning messages don't leave breadcrumbs to help you track back into the code so you end up microanalyzing everything line-by-line for size()). Now, we can choose to dismiss his experience based on his tone (and perhaps all Serge was doing is venting) or we can try to figure out what's behind this. Serge is a long time user and he's opinionated, but he is a dedicated user and he contributes to the help mailing list.