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Re: Binaries for SLES10

From: Andreas Kuntzagk
Subject: Re: Binaries for SLES10
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 14:33:44 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090625)


At my previous just I had to use SUSE as well, and getting Octave up and
running was not a particular joyful experience. SUSE is just not very
good at packaging basic scientific libraries, so you'll have to compile
a lot of stuff yourself from scratch.

Yeah, but for this I need to find out what libraries are missing and where to get them.

You can get some (semi-old) Octave RPM's for SUSE by searching at

Ok, didn't know this page before. There seems to be some 3.0.3 binaries there. I'll try and come back with results.

but (at least the last time I used them) they did not come with full
functionality (no QHull and no suite-sparse as far as I remember).

Actually I don't know what functionality is required here. Have to investigate.

I'm sorry that the answer isn't more satisfactory, but in my experience
SUSE just isn't very good for scientific work :-(

Unfortunately changing distro is not an option right now. This is a big compute cluster (in production) and I can't start from scratch again. For the next time what distro do you propose for scientific computing?

regards, Andreas

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