kavermeer wrote:
At work, I installed Octave 3.2.0 for Windows today, and tried to read
an image with imread. Unfortunately, I got some error saying that
magick.mgk (or magic.mgk?) was missing. Should I install GraphicsMagick
separately? Or is this supposed to be part of the Octave installer? The
readme says something about imread requiring the GraphicsMagick library,
but nothing about whether it is part of Octave or not.
Time for a better report. After installing Octave 3.2.0, I try imread, and I
get the following in the Octave window:
error: imread: invalid image file: Magick++ exception: Magick: Unable to
access configuration file (magic.mgk) reported by
error: called from:
error: C:\Octave\3.2.0_gcc-4.3.0\share\octave\3.2.0\m\image\imread.m at
line 74, column 7
I installed GraphicsMagick (1.3.5, Q16), but still get the same error. I
appreciate any help!