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RE: nice plots, but how can i print

From: stefano
Subject: RE: nice plots, but how can i print
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 16:22:59 +0200 (CEST)

On 04-Jun-98 Daniel Heiserer wrote:
> Hi,
> as far as I have seen I can make nice plots with octave/gnuplot with
> matlab-syntax.
> But now I miss functionality to print this picture into a ps-file.
> In matlab it works like this:
> ">> print nice_picture -depsc" 
> with some options (-depsc|......|.....).
> How does it work in octave? Or is this functionality not supported yet?

You have the gnuplot options available via "gset (options)".
In this case you can tell gnuplot to print to a ps file (just one of the many
available formats: type "gset term" in octave or "set term" in gnulpot for
info). You also have to tell the filename, which is done via "gset output". So:

> gset term postscript
> gset output ""
> gplot mydata

Note that you can pass other options as fontssize etc, look at the gnulpot
online help.
If you need to post-edit your figure, I suggest saving to fig format:

> gset term fig
> gset output "mypsfigure.fig"
> gplot mydata

and then use the excellent Xfig to add arrows, labels, curves, filled patterns
and whatever.

Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
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     Mail: Svante Arrheniusv. 14, S-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden 
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