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Re: "Exotic" GNATS 4 fields

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: "Exotic" GNATS 4 fields
Date: 14 Oct 2001 22:18:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.106

>>>>> "RM" == Rick Macdonald <address@hidden> writes:

    RM> I can see having some default configs to choose from: 
    RM> - one that matches gnats 3 exactly 
    RM> - one that matches gnats 3 with-release-base exactly

I don't understand this one.

    RM> - some new v4 config that is the one we're talking about now

    RM> Plus, perhaps a library of snippits of neat field definitions
    RM> that can be copy/pasted into the default as desired.

I think having several versions of pre-configured dbconfigs plus a very
big dbconfig or library is a good idea.  Anyone volunteers?

    RM> How about a Tk configuration tool that presents a list of all
    RM> definintions in the "library" with descriptions. You just go up
    RM> and down the list and click check boxes on and off for what you
    RM> want (much like the Linux kernel "make xconfig"). In this case,
    RM> the "default" config is the set of definitions that have
    RM> checkboxes pre-set in the config tool.

Well, again a nice idea waiting for its volunteer to bring it to life.
But if we are going to write new GNATS utilities, they should be Guile
based rather than Tk based.


Milan Zamazal

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                                                Karl Fogel

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