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Re: "Exotic" GNATS 4 fields

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: "Exotic" GNATS 4 fields
Date: 14 Oct 2001 21:52:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.106

>>>>> "MB" == Mark Brown <address@hidden> writes:

    MB> My hope with putting it in the default configuration file would
    MB> be to suggest useful practices.  One could equally say that if
    MB> people don't want it they can easily disable it but that putting
    MB> it in there might make people think of using it when it wouldn't
    MB> have occured to them.

That's true but we should only suggest useful practices based on a wider
consensus.  I don't think this is the current case of Testsuite-Cases.


Milan Zamazal

When you're in a fight with an idiot, it's difficult for other people to tell
which one the idiot is.                       -- Bruce Perens in debian-devel

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