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Re: "Academic qualification" classification

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: "Academic qualification" classification
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:24:55 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Antenore wrote:
> Regarding the doctor, doctoral, doctorate disambiguation I think that
> it's wrong at all, also in English.
> Please take a look on this:
> In every country we have a different "meaning" or better, a different
> path to follow and at the end a different title.
> This "doctoral" -> Dottorato (literally) that you probably mean could be
> translated as "ricercatore" ("""researcher""").

Is it possible to have a common "Academic qualification" classification to all 
countries around the world?  Is it difficult to translate it?

My personal English-classification-proposal was, from lower to higher:

  1. Undergraduate
     He is studying yet at the University.

  2. Graduate
     He has finished 3 years of University and get a diploma.

  3. Postgraduate
     He has finished 5/6 years of University and get a diploma.

  4. Doctoral
     He has finished 5/6 years of University and got his diploma. However
     he get into a investigation group and finish his investigation
     thesis and get another diploma.

  There are people who do not go to the University. They can use the
  "Other" option.

The current translations are:

    1. Undergraduate
    2. Graduate
    3. Postgraduate
    4. Doctoral
    *. Other

    1. Student
    2. Absolvent
    3. Doktorand
    4. Doktor
    *. Andere

    1. Estudiante universitario
    2. Ingeniero técnico o Diplomado
    3. Ingeniero o Licenciado
    4. Doctorado
    *. Otro

    1. Bac
    2. Licence
    3. Master
    4. Doctorat
    *. Autre

    1. Diplomato (secondary school)
    2. Laureato (Bachelor)
    3. Dottore (PhD)
    4. Ricercatore (Doctorate/Doctoral)
    *. Altro

    1. Bacharel
    2. Licenciado
    3. Mestre
    4. Doutor
    *. Outro


IMHO, the Antenore's idea of adding parenthesis with text to try to 
disambiguate is good.

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